
These days we are all bombarded with so much information from so many sources.
My home hasn’t had television service in two years now, and we couldn’t be happier! Most of what I know, I know through word of mouth, experience, the library, or from the Internet. Thanks to social media, groups, forums, emails, and searching out sites myself, I access a lot of information that matches my values and keeps me motivated and inspired.
What I am sure of, is that I am not the only one who believes in a different kind of life on this planet, and I am not the only one who wants to hear about all the amazing people and companies assisting in creating it!
I am personally into a variety subjects, which include (but are not limited to):
- spirituality
- homeschooling and unschooling
- permaculture
- gifting communities
- alternative healing
- life coaching & business consulting
- marketing for the new paradigm
- local economies and governments
- alternative lifestyle choices
- intentional communities
- survival skills
- personal and community authenticity, honesty, and transparency
Read about articles I enjoy, along with opinions and highlights from the original article.
Feel free to use the contact page if you would like to suggest some online content for me to review.