Posted by mestarr | 10 Comments
Feeling Bad for Feeling Good?!

here I am, in the middle of this awesome life. And yet, even as I type, there is this ingrained part of me that says I can’t feel all the way good about all of my good. Or that somehow by proclaiming my gratitude for all of this goodness, that I am “rubbing it in” for those who may not be experiencing as much good right now. What kind of crap is that?!
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Saying YES

We can all use practice in saying Yes to that which we want to invite into our lives, and spending less time talking about and thinking about and looking at that which we really don’t want to experience. It is our choice! Saying Yes is like asking the Universe to light a fire underneath our Good to get it cooking faster. What are you ready to Say Yes to?
Posted by mestarr | 5 Comments
May I Please Be Excused?

Today, with the help of a loving witness, friend, and assistant searcher (all the same person), I learned something new about myself. It took a while to get there, and it wasn’t very pretty for a moment or two, but I uncovered a very old desire to “be excused.” From what, you ask? Apparently whatever I damn-well please. Just because I’m me – and I’ll tell you whatever story will convince you to agree, or at least let me off the hook. There is a slight element of ‘please feel sorry for me’ in there, too.
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
I Am Rubber, You Are Glue

Going back to the rubber & glue, I consider this: Is it actually possible to say something shitty to another human being and not hurt ourselves? Whether you think about the energy of something, or the psychology of it, holding on to judgments of others and feeling righteous enough to spit them out is mostly likely affecting us. Or, turning it around, the fact that we are saying something nasty at all shows we are already effected by something, or we wouldn’t be attempting to discharge our crappy feeling onto something seemingly separate.