Mar 16, 2014
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
The Quest for The One Right Way
If a world is in constant search for the One Right Way, power may become corrupt, and individual lives meaningless to those who control the resources. The One Right Way may become the ultimate goal, leaving behind the importance of nurturing, love, healthy communities & healthy ecosystems.
Sep 26, 2012
Posted by mestarr | 10 Comments
Feeling Bad for Feeling Good?!
here I am, in the middle of this awesome life. And yet, even as I type, there is this ingrained part of me that says I can’t feel all the way good about all of my good. Or that somehow by proclaiming my gratitude for all of this goodness, that I am “rubbing it in” for those who may not be experiencing as much good right now. What kind of crap is that?!