Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Happy Holidays: A Look at Gift-Givin...

I’m still unclear if it is appropriate to say “Merry Christmas” anymore, or if I should choose the generic-yet-thoughtful “Happy Holidays” as I move about the world.
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Imagining Better

There is an inner knowing that all is well, I am right where I should be, and that good and more good is already mine. Now, don’t get me wrong – I love my life. I have great relationships with my family and friends, a great community I consider myself an important part of, and lots of talents and skills that do will continue to serve me and my planet well. I do, however, know that there is always more good to experience. That since the Universe is infinite, then so can my experience of it and its good be.
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Making Sense

Smokey the Bear is known to say, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” Well fear is just like a forest fire, and it can only burn you up and move on to the next victim if you let it. This Year, this Season, this Holiday, give the gift of your love, of your diverse beauty and creativity, and of your open heart, free from fear and anger. Be present for your family and friends, reminding them of what you appreciate about them. Give your unique gifts that help you to feel that bright light that is always you.
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
One’s “Ick” Is Ano...

As our world faces some very real choices in moving forward as a species, I wonder if each of us are willing on an individual basis to look at where we have judged “ick.” Are we willing to shift to an “art” perspective? And, if not, are we at least willing to “accept” that our point of view isn’t the only valid one? I believe that as we do this, we are participating in healing the entire planet, starting with ourselves. To me, that is the ultimate “Art.”
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Compassionate Boundaries

Along the path it seems
Like I have lost so many things.
But in a certain way,
I want everything to stay;
As if somehow its wrong
For life to move along.