Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Making Sense

Smokey the Bear is known to say, “Only you can prevent forest fires.” Well fear is just like a forest fire, and it can only burn you up and move on to the next victim if you let it. This Year, this Season, this Holiday, give the gift of your love, of your diverse beauty and creativity, and of your open heart, free from fear and anger. Be present for your family and friends, reminding them of what you appreciate about them. Give your unique gifts that help you to feel that bright light that is always you.
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
Saying YES

We can all use practice in saying Yes to that which we want to invite into our lives, and spending less time talking about and thinking about and looking at that which we really don’t want to experience. It is our choice! Saying Yes is like asking the Universe to light a fire underneath our Good to get it cooking faster. What are you ready to Say Yes to?
Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
I Am Rubber, You Are Glue

Going back to the rubber & glue, I consider this: Is it actually possible to say something shitty to another human being and not hurt ourselves? Whether you think about the energy of something, or the psychology of it, holding on to judgments of others and feeling righteous enough to spit them out is mostly likely affecting us. Or, turning it around, the fact that we are saying something nasty at all shows we are already effected by something, or we wouldn’t be attempting to discharge our crappy feeling onto something seemingly separate.