Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
The Divided Brain

First of all, I have to admit to loving this type of animated learning. It is entertaining as well as informative! I am also extremely interested in the brain, how it works, and how we can use it to our benefit. To be honest, I have deep interest in anything that has to with how we work physically, mentally, psychologically, spiritually, energetically, socially, and probably any other -lly’s you can think of. Life just fascinates me.
That being said, this is one of my favorites of this white-board style videos, as it definitely makes you think about – even question or disregard – what you previously believed about the “right brain” or “left brain.”
While our brains are indeed divided, it is not in the “reason” vs. “creative” sort of way, but more in a “bigger picture” vs. “detailed focus” way. In addition, they go on to explain how our frontal lobe’s primary purpose is to inhibit. Inhibit what? Take the less-than twelve minutes and find out!
This video seems like a great starting point for discussion. I especially love that they used one of my favorite Einstein quotes:
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift
What are your thoughts about shifting our world into more of a balance between right & left hemispheres?
Do you agree that this balance is what we may be lacking as a society, or do you have other ideas?
How do you see yourself balancing the left and right in your own day-to-day life?
Please share your thoughts below!