Posted by mestarr | 0 Comments
I want my, I want my, I want back my P.C.

I write this from my own keyboard while looking at my own screen. I occasionally lift my hand and click my own mouse while sitting at my own desk. Yet the computer on which I interact at the moment is not my own! After nearly 48 hours without a computer, I resorted to plugging in my 9 yr-old son’s recently earned desktop so that I could pay bills and buy him his Halloween costume without having to negotiate my smartphone. And while I can still get to all the online places I need to get to, it… just…. isn’t… the same.
Apparently I had failed to realize how attached I am to my specific technology the way I want it. My browser with my shortcuts and my bookmarks and my memorized passwords. Usually when I pay bills online Firefox remembers where I want to go with just the type of a few letters, but today I had to type the entire url myself. I have gotten used to living a life where technology is anticipating my choices before I am even finished making them.