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Portland with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Ok, I admit it. I am one of those fans that hadn’t heard of Macklemore before the song Thrift Shop. And I only heard of him at all because a friend of mine (who is way more connected to pop culture than I am) told me I had to see the video. My whole circle of friends ate up Thrift Shop for weeks, quoting it everywhere and trying to learn all the words. Even my nine-year-old son danced to it and couldn’t get enough. And then I downloaded a couple of his previous albums: The Language of My World, and The Unplanned Mixtape.
I was pretty much blown away. The level of consciousness in this music is a helluva lot deeper than that expressed in Thrift Shop (which I absolutely love as well). So then I was hooked. Practically the entire Spring was spent listening to Macklemore. I appreciated his passion, as well as the major overlap with my own beliefs and values. I enjoyed the rhythms and beats, the horns and harmonies. I still think there should be a high harmony in the chorus for the song Contradiction, but that’s just me.
In April I bought The Heist, as well as any videos that iTunes would sell me. I love the videos. Thank you, Ryan Lewis. I continued to suck down Macklemore songs throughout the Summer. Can’t Hold Us became a Summer anthem, especially during camping. I made a playlist and played it often on random on my iPod. 10,000 songs on there, and I was listening primarily to one artist. An artist that made me laugh, think, dance, stretch and even sometimes cry (the Same Love video gets me every time).
Also all throughout the Summer, I kept looking to see when this amazing duo was heading back to their stomping grounds, the Pacific NW. Sadly (for me), I found they were on a world tour that didn’t include this country! I set aside the thought of seeing them live and went on with my life (Macklemore music still highly included).
I can’t tell you exactly how it happened. All I recall is me discovering so late in the game that Macklemore was planning on heading to Portland that only nose-bleed seats were available online. Putting my manifestation powers to work (financially speaking), we ended up buying tickets a couple of weeks later for the show in Oregon on October 22nd. Dreams of hanging out with Macklemore while discussing how-each-of-us-has-the-power-to-change-our-life-and-the-world were exciting, but not necessarily realistic. There were – after all – thousands of people there, and I was above the suites!

Hey, look – its general admission down there!
The concert was fantastic. A superb combination of the usual arrangements mixed with unexpected twists. All of the original voices of collaborators on the songs I want to hear over and over again, present right there on stage. Cool lighting, sound effects, smoke effects, and confetti or balloons shooting through the air at just the right time (though we were too high-up to do anything but see it). A nice journey through ups and downs, music and story. Ryan Lewis mixed radness as usual, and showed himself here and there throughout the show. My son, Zayne, was filled with joy as he jumped up and down, singing the lyrics he knew and waving his hands forcefully in the air to the beat.
I loved so many things about the show. I loved that Macklemore took the time to talk to us, tell us stories, and do his crowd magic. I loved that all the original artists were there on stage, too. I loved the balance between mixing it up and keeping it real. I loved the dancers, the musicians, and the party feel. I loved the encore! The wig was fantastic, and I am so glad the song And We Danced was a part of the show!
Most memorable and inspiring was Macklemore himself. Clear-eyed and open-hearted, he led us all through the evening like a pro. His authority over the audience was subtle-yet-present. Something in my heart burst open as soon as I saw his face on the screen, as if to say: “OMG he’s the real deal. I have been wondering all this time.”
For the most part, words can’t describe why I enjoy Macklemore so much, though I will try:
- He has heart, and isn’t afraid to show it and share it.
- He has been through hard times, and paid his dues with his sweat and tears and time he has put into his music.
- He is willing to speak his mind even if it clashes with cultural ideas/ideals that might keep us locked into a small existence.
- His music is enjoyable, as well as inspiring.
If I am honest with myself, though, my respect for Macklemore runs much more deeply, and much more personally. You see, he has done what I have yet to do. For about the last decade, I have spent a lot of time in my life telling myself reasons why I couldn’t follow the dreams I wanted to follow, or be the Me I yearned to be. I have tip-toed around my success like it is a bath that is too hot. From stories about lack of education or training to unconsciously victimizing myself in regards to my ex husband or Grandparents, I have been putting off my own success, while desperately wishing for it to be my own. But in the end, we can only become what we dream by doing, not by wishing.

We just went to see Macklemore!
Macklemore is living proof of this. Follow your dreams with authenticity, an open heart, an eye for your intention and a desire to give, and you will succeed. The level of success is up to each of us. Thankfully, considering the thousands of people screaming at his calls for moving forward together, it seems there are many of us ready to hear Macklemore’s call. I am inspired! I am awakened! I am willing to do the work! How about you? How willing are you? Are you inspired? What would it take for you to fulfill your dream? Share and allow us to support each other on our journey toward greatness!